Friday, August 14, 2009


So, I got asked recently what kind of music I listen to, and I really didn't know what to say. I mean, everyone says, "Oh, I listen to it all...except this, or that, and that totally sucks." Do they really listen to it all? doubtful indeed sir.

So, what do I listen to? currently I'm jamming to some Shane McGowan. Post Pogues he went solo and tore the country to pieces in a figuratively awesome way.
Of course and always, Streetlight. I sometimes wonder how much I mean this, then I listen again and realize I mean it a lot, they are my favorite band, end statement, no question. They take ska from cheesy "Hurrr, punk with brass instruments, hurrr" to an art form. A lot of the fill music and solos they play are Jazz quality. As someone who's listened extensivelyl to Miles Davis and charlie Parker I'm qualified to judge jazz. the drumming is phenomenal, the tunes are upbeat, and not gonna lie, the few times the guitarist does go on a rampage he does it properly.

Other bands I quite enjoy and need more of their stuff include but are not limited to, Nightwish, Blitzen Trapper, Great Big Sea, Tyrone Wells, Mike Ness, Flogging Molly, Egypt Central...blah blah blah are you even listening anymore? Anyway, ending superiority diatribe. Here's a few lyrics though from a truly great song to start off your weekend.

"Oh the wind it blows to the north and south, it blows to the east and west
I'll be just like the wind my love for I will have no rest
Till I return to thee." -Aisling

1 comment:

  1. Five all-time favorite albums, tentatively:

    Late for the Sky
    Tales of Mystery and Imagination
    Brothers in Arms

    I really need to get the Streetlight album. Also, Danger is Dangerous by 7 Seconds of Love has some pretty good ska, if you can tolerate the ridiculous lyrics.
