Saturday, July 18, 2009

The beginning

Explanations are naturally in order. To begin with, why the name? Necessary Absurdity. This is not chosen to elicit an instinctual expectation of comedy, indeed quite the opposite. The absurd is not the same as the humorous, nor even similar to the hilarious. Absurd is contrary to reason or propriety. It is the seemingly illogical contradiction to common sense.
As to the necessary, while reading through a novel by a Russian author I came upon the following passage (paraphrased naturally, Don't tell Dr. Taylor)

"And what should be done with this man, this monster? A man as evil as this?", The soldier asked.
"He should be shot!" cried the monk.
"Aha! There you have it, in truth the very essence of humanity, no one is above it", cried the soldier gleefully.
The monk frowned, "No, I spoke hastily, the very concept is absurd."
"Alyosha, sometimes the Absurd is only too necessary in this world."

This passage bears the inspiration for the name. The concept that sometimes the world is all too real, and calls for actions seemingly absurd, but which are only too necessary for the protection of others.

On this thought the post ends, more will follow. This will be a journal of thoughts, stories, songs, poetry and more...frequently we will not even touch on the theme of this necessary absurdity, yet through it all, it is the driving force behind me.

"We are responsible to each other, for each other, outside of our own sins."

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